AMA Recap

BabySwap X 8Pay AMA Recap

6 min readMay 3, 2022


Day 2/05 the AMA took place with the BabySwap Community, Peter from our team, participated and answered the questions and here you will find a recap of the event:

📌Uncle Trabelsi™:

Hello everyone!

📌Peter — 8PAY — Official Account:


📌Uncle Trabelsi™:

It’s your uncle Trab again, back in here to host your AMA today with 8pay

Also, It is my pleasure to introduce to you Mr. Peter, who is the marketing and partnership manager of 8pay!

📌Peter — 8PAY — Official Account:

Thanks mate 😉😉

📌Uncle Trabelsi™:

Hi @peterlomb and thank you for joining us today, could you please introduce yourself audience?

📌 Peter — 8PAY — Official Account:

Yes sure, thanks to the community for this opportunity! Here Peter, Marketing and Partnership Manager of 8PAY, I have been working in contact with the whole team every day for years, we started building 8PAY in early 2018 aiming to solve payments in the crypto industry, even though we went live in April 2021.

I manage the marketing and relations with merchants, partners and deals that are defined with our product. We have a strategy that we are following and objectives that we set step by step.

📌Uncle Trabelsi™:

Great to know! seems like you have been in Crypto world a long time! we are happy to have you here at babyswap Community, a chance to have a better understanding about 8pay for our users at BabySwap🚀🚀

Could you please give an overview about the 8pay project?

What is it all about; and how does it operate?

📌Peter — 8PAY — Official Account:

for sure, my pleasure

8PAY is a multi chain (Live on BSC, ETH and Poygon) decentralised payment protocol enabling several type of billing models on blockchain. We allow merchants and customers to use crypto for almost all the type of payments, specially recurring payments that are automatised by our smart contracts.

To enable the entire world, also the countries who don’t have access to the most common financial services, to adopt crypto payments in a user friendly and decentralised way, keeping self custody of their funds, without third party intermediary. We aim to recreate in the crypto world what stripe represent in the traditional space.

In addition to that, most of the other crypto payment gateway don’t support subscriptions and recurring payments, forcing the user to pay the entire plan in advance. Important to mention also the simplicity of integration, allowing also non technical user to use 8PAY to accept crypto payments,

one of the most important aspect of a project like 8PAY. Every member of the community can contribute to our project trying it out and giving constructive feedback, using 8PAY to send and receive payments in the crypto space having them automatically organised, spreading the vision of the project and bringing more awareness to their friends and community.

📌Uncle Trabelsi™:

Thank you Peter, for that quick introduction!

Babies, if you would like to learn more about 8pay, do check out these links below. Follow the team on Twitter and join in on conversations about 8pay via their Telegram channel.

@peterlomb let’s start things off with the security of your platform

Has 8pay been audited?

📌Peter — 8PAY — Official Account:

sounds good

Yes Sure, THE 8PAY CORE CONTRACTS HAVE BEEN AUDITED BY CERTIK, 8Pay has been approved by the industry leader auditor.

CertiK has serviced more than 100 top-shelf blockchains and DeFi protocols, including but not limited to Binance, Terra, Bancor, Shapeshift, Pancakeswap and Blockstack. Check more information about the audit here:

📌Uncle Trabelsi™:

Good to know

Where can users buy 8pay?

📌Peter — 8PAY — Official Account:

Simple but important question haha.

At the moment users can buy 8PAY on Pancakeswap:

On Uniswap:

On QuickSwap:

On 1inch

On BitGlobal:

and of course on BabySwap:

📌Uncle Trabelsi™:

What can we expect in the next 3 months and in 2022 as a whole?

📌Peter — 8PAY — Official Account:

We are focused on Multi chain new UI and new UX as a function of multi chain and then release the mobile app on iPhone and Android, what so many are waiting for! An improvement and a look also goes to the DCA (Dollar Cost Average), which is in great demand from important partners. Work in progress. Also we are working to get streamers to accept donations from 8pay, as we are already live with twitch and with some streamers

We are certainly working to be present in some Exchange, but as many users will know, many details are needed before going live, such as liquidity and numbers, all of which we are working on and have developed an ad hoc strategy 😉😉

📌 Uncle Trabelsi™:

Sounds great! more usecase is always the key to generate more value in token

Where can we find out more about 8PAY and Roadmap?

📌 Peter — 8PAY — Official Account:

yes exactly

Within our site there are all the information regarding our product, news, developments and the always updated roadmap.

Also here you can find all the most important information regarding 8PAY Ecosystem

📌 Uncle Trabelsi™:

8PAY is a DEFI platform for trustless crypto payments. In what products can we use 8PAY as a payment method?? Are you currently focused on?


So also aside from payments, what are your other products and solutions?

📌 Peter — 8PAY — Official Account:

Yes of course, 8PAY can be easily integrated in any woo-commerce store and website. We are currently focused on E-commerce but also on different industries such as charity, gaming, adult, gambling, saas. In addition to send, receive, track and schedule payments, you’ll be able to automatise some trades. And there’s a surprise, we’re also working on Shopify integrations, little spoiler for the near future…

our payment solutions are precisely the One-Time, the Scheduled and the autobiller with the addition of the DCA, obviously all live on all 3 chains in which we are operating.

📌 Uncle Trabelsi™:

From the little research of mine, tiers tiers allow 8Pay users to choose their rate based on how much they plan to use 8Pay features.

What are the 8pay levels?

What do these 8pay levels allow?

📌Peter — 8PAY — Official Account:

excellent research 😎😉

📌 Uncle Trabelsi™:

Forgive, if the questions are much 😅

What advantages does the existence of these levels offer?

📌 Peter — 8PAY — Official Account:

Most of the fees are from a merchant perspective, so they allow companies to accept payments and decrease the 1% fee based on their tiers. While for all the users they will be able to minimize the fees for scheduled transfers and soon, other several features. On tiers benefits there is also the autobiller discount and discount on DCA fees 😉 You can find the tiers section under “My account” section once logged in the webapp.

📌 Uncle Trabelsi™:

The team has worked hard to design and develop one of the most important features in the entire network, making 8PAY much easier to use even for non-technical users, thanks to Autobiller.

📌 Please tell the Audience about this AutoBiller

How it works as well as it’s benefits

📌 Peter — 8PAY — Official Account:

sure, autobiller is a feature automatising several operations in blockchain. Thanks to that it will be possibile for everybody to automatically charge their subscribers and schedule recurring transfer such as payroll. For the most technical the autobiller solve the scheduled cron-job problem, missing on the EVM technology. 😎 This is a very advantageous system for the world of Crypto payments and a solution that many are starting to ask for..

📌 Uncle Trabelsi™:

Okay… As time is running against us

We now Proceed to third segment of the event

But before that thank you @peterlomb for the well detailed information

During the past few days, 8pay & BabySwap have had some sorts of exciting cooperations

📌 Peter — 8PAY — Official Account:

Thanks to you Uncle Trabelsi my pleasure to present 8PAY at the Baby Community


📌 Uncle Trabelsi™:

And we have enjoyed each an every moment of it

Thanks for reading 🥂🚀





8PAY is an all-in-one payment protocol that enables quick and simple recurring transactions with digital currencies.